Wings LVL 2 creation
Pentru a crea o pereche de wings LVL 2 aveti nevoie de urmatoarele:
1. 1 pereche LVL 1 wings
2. 1 blue feather
3. 1 jewel of chaos
Odata ce dispuneti de acestea va deplasati Noria la Chaos Goblin unde veti alege prima obtiune: Normal Combination.
Puneti toate itemele in casuta de combinare si apasati ok. Sper ca am fost explicit, daca mai are cineva de adaugat ceva rog sa o faca
Succes all !!!
To create LVL 2 Wings you need the following:
Once you have that items move in Noria at Chaos Goblin.Talk whit him and choose the first combination :Normal Combination.
Place all the items in the combination place 8*4 and press OK.Just a reminder that all the Combination have a Succes Rate!!!
Pentru a crea o pereche de wings LVL 2 aveti nevoie de urmatoarele:
1. 1 pereche LVL 1 wings
2. 1 blue feather
3. 1 jewel of chaos
Odata ce dispuneti de acestea va deplasati Noria la Chaos Goblin unde veti alege prima obtiune: Normal Combination.
Puneti toate itemele in casuta de combinare si apasati ok. Sper ca am fost explicit, daca mai are cineva de adaugat ceva rog sa o faca
Succes all !!!
To create LVL 2 Wings you need the following:
- 1 pair of LVL 1 Wings
1 Blue Feather
1 Jewel of Chaos
Once you have that items move in Noria at Chaos Goblin.Talk whit him and choose the first combination :Normal Combination.
Place all the items in the combination place 8*4 and press OK.Just a reminder that all the Combination have a Succes Rate!!!