Grand Reset
GR consta in 4 trepte a cate 100 rr, itemele for fi +15+luck plus inca 3 optiuni si sockete sau acc cu sockete la alegere dar nu dubluri si vor fi facute in ordinea afisata:
GR will be in 4 stages each 100 rr, the items will be +15+luck plus 3 options and sockets or ancient with sockets of your choise but not double's and must be done in the order bellow:
1. 100rr for Wings(With sockets available ONLY at Donation)
2. 100rr for Weapons
3. 100rr for Rings & Pendant
4. 100rr For Set
Itemele care se cer se dau numa pe caracterul pe care sa facut Reseturile!!!!
The items you request must be only for the character that you made the resets!!!
Itemele care se cer la GR nu se vor schimba dupa aceea!!!!!!
The items that you ask at GR will not be changed after that!!!
In total you need 400rr for all!!!
Nu posta cu contul tau si pentru alti playeri iei ban!!!
Dont post with your account for other players you will get ban!!!
Grand Reseturile se vor face numai si numai in odrine,trebuie sa le dati la rand!!
Grand Reset must be done only and only in order,you must make them in a row!!
Have fun and enjoy!!!!!